Monday, December 14, 2009


The party wasn't that bad, I forgave Andy. She really didn't lie, she really is in a dance crew. Just not the kind I'm use to, but its whatever. I meet a few new people, and there pretty cool. They convinced me to go to youth group with them. I don't know what I am thinking, but hopefully it will turn out right. I really just hope that there not all on my jock about this whole God thing. Grandma and I have been getting a long a little better, she made cookies and we stayed up talking last night. I didn't want to come out and tell my grandma half the stuff she asked, so I did what I do best, lie. Jason promised me if I went he would write me a rap, plus Kylie is dancing or "ministering" as they like to call it. I'm not going to lie, I kind of am excited. These people have treated me with respect and I didn't even have to earn it. Makes me feel like I have something going for me in this world. Anyways, on a side note that thing I call my mother called the other day. She was all like "Hey, I miss you. How is your grandma? Love you, blah blah blah." I told you I learned how to lie from my mom. It was a sad excuse to see if I would help bail her out of jail. The weight of her mistakes should not be carried on my shoulders, but somehow it always is. She doesn't understand I don't want that life anymore, but I'm going to have to life it a few more weeks until I help her out. I owe it to her, even though she didn't raise me to be "perfect." She did teach me a lot about life skills and everything else. Plus, I would feel extremely guilty if I let her rot in that jail cell for three more years. I have a plan, Jersey shore here I come once again. I'll move in with my old friend, and somehow make the money for my mom. There is not a doubt in my mind I will miss it here, but I have to do this.